What is This?

Scripture: Mark 1:21-28

Key Verse: They were all amazed, and they kept on asking one another, “What is this? A new teaching–with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” (v. 27)

Observation: Jesus enters the synagogue in Caperneum on a random sabbath and began teaching. Those present were amazed at the power and authority of his teaching. Just then, a man with an unclean spirit confronts Jesus and questions his intentions. The spirit claims to know who Jesus is and then asks an interesting question: “Have you come to destroy us?” However, Jesus doesn’t entertain the conversation with the unclean spirit and instead demands silence while commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. To the continued amazement of those gathered for the regular sabbath gathering, the unclean spirit obeys Jesus and the man is set free. The people do not engage Jesus but rather ask each other what is going on. How is it that this Jesus is able to not only teach with such authority but also demand obedience from unclean spirits? They are left with more questions than answers and are more uncertain of who Jesus is than the unclean spirit.

Analysis: Based on this reading it is possible for the works of God to be too good to be true for the people of God. The people who gathered on a regular basis looking for the coming of the Messiah were not able to recognize the Messiah when he showed up. The powerful, authoritative teaching did not result in recognition but led to quesions. Are we prepared for Jesus to show up, teach a powerful word, and remove the unclean spirit(s) in our midst? Can we recognize the works of Jesus for what they are or are we still asking what is this? We can get caught up in the hopelessness and despair of the world around us and overlook the access we have to the authoritative word of God. We have within us the ability to command unclean spirits to be quiet instead of engaging and attempting to dialogue with them. We have within us the power of God the Holy Spirit to join Jesus in demanding unclean spirits to be removed so that everyone can live in the light and love of our God.

Prayer: Loving and merciful God, we are grateful for the ability to tap into the power of our risen Lord and be renewed by the power of God the Holy Spirit. We revel in the freedom from all powers and forces that mean us harm so that we can witness to those who are still living under the lies and illusions of the Evil One. Forgive us for the times we get caught up in our times and take our eyes off of you. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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