Jesus: Presence, Power, and Peace

Scripture Reading: Mark 4:35-41

Key Verse: And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” (v. 41)

Observation: Jesus has spent the better part of a day teaching large crowds using parables. Now as evening is approaching Jesus instructs the disciples to prepare to go to the other side of Lake Tiberias. As they are traveling a great storm arises and causes the disciples to question Jesus’ concern for them. They find Jesus asleep in the stern or back of the boat. Jesus rises from his sleep to speaks not to the storm but demands peace to be still. The winds and the rain subside and it is now time for Jesus to question the disciples. He asks, “why were you so afraid?” “Have you still no faith?” The passage ends with the disciples still filled with great fear even though Jesus has calmed the storm.

Analysis: At first glance this passage appears to be about the storm. We are tempted to focus on Jesus coming with us into the boat of life to guide us through storms and use his divine power to bring us peace. However, verse 41 makes it difficult to justify making this passage about Jesus bringing peace by calming the storm. The disciples are still filled with fear, great fear. We are also tempted to hear Jesus rebuking the disciples because of a lack of faith but I believe that this focus also misses the central message of this passage. I believe the disciples’ response to Jesus reveals that this passage is about knowing who Jesus is. It is one thing to know that Jesus is present. It is great to feel Jesus’ power. However, the disciples are in his presence and once again experience his power but still do not have peace. They ask, “who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” They don’t know who Jesus is and therefore don’t know what he can do in and through them. Jesus lovingly asks them why they were so afraid. They have been with him for some time but still have a limited understanding of what being in Jesus’ presence means in terms of their access to power and ability to live in peace. We are reminded that even when it feels like Jesus is asleep in the back, unconcerned about our current situation, he has given us access to the same power that spoke peace in the midst of the storm.

Prayer: Loving God, we are not always aware of how you are empowering us to be the people you call us to be. We are unable to fully grasp your presence and power. We long for peace while you repeatedly assure us that we have peace through your Son, Jesus. Lord, place us in position to receive the various ways you continually reveal yourself to us and lead us to recognize Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Amen.

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